How do I properly measure my pool's values?

Swimming in healthy pool water is what everyone wants!

Healthy pool water is obtained by frequent measuring and adjusting where necessary. We have made a simple step-by-step plan for you so you can always have perfect pool water. These 4 steps should be followed in this order.

There are several water testers on the market to measure your water quality. It is important that you never measure in the sun.

  • AquaCheck strip: Compare values using a color chart - easy and inexpensive!

How do I properly measure my pool's values?

What to do at what values?

1. Chlorine stabilizer should be as low as possible when working with chlorine tablets or chlorine powders. When using salt-based or chlorine-based automation, you should have a chlorine stabilizer level of 20.

  • Less than 50: Reuse the existing pool water and possibly switch to non-stabilized chlorine granules to stop it from rising.
  • More than 300:Empty and clean your pool with Détartrant and refill with fresh tap water. Add the necessary dose of anti-calcium. (To be calculated on the volume of the pool)

2. Alkaline value should have a minimum of 80. Fresh city water is +180 and rainwater is 0.

Add AlcaPlus increase at values lower than 80. Set the six-way valve to circulate and turn off the automation if necessary. Use 180 gr/10 m³ to increase the alkaline value by 10. Add product every 3 to 4 hours until you reach 100 to 120. Next, test your pH levels. If it is still too low, bring it up to 7.2 with pH-plus.

3. Acidity (pH) is one of the most important factors for healthy pool water. The ideal value is 7.2 (greater margin is 7.0 to 7.6). Measure acidity in the morning. Then the sun does not affect the water.

  • Lowering pH when pH is too high: dosage: 150 gr/10 m³ To reduce 0.2 by pH-min
  • Increase pH at too low pH level: dosage: 150 gr/10 m³ To increase 0.2 by pH-plus

If all values (pH, alkaline and stabilizer) are in order,and if the water temperature is above 10°C, only then should you add chlorine.

4. Chlorine level is an indicator of whether disinfection is present in the pool or not. Only when the acidity (pH) is up to par can you control the chlorine level. Chlorine sterilizes the water and kills microorganisms,such as algae and bacteria. The ideal value is between 1 and 3 ppm.

Restore chlorine levels with a chlorine blast (dosage 100 g/10 m³). Dissolve the amount of chlorine granules/powder up and pour the mixture into the skimmer with the six-way valve set to circulate.

Chlorine levels are maintained with chlorine tablets (1 per 30 m³). Place the tablets in the skimmer basket or in a floating chlorine container. For regular maintenance, you may use every two days 50 g/10 m³Add chlorine powder. Adjust according to your measurement.

So with these 4 steps it is possible to keep your water quality well under control. If you have any problems you can always contact us via the chat!

Enjoy your healthy pool water!